Today I met a special person: Ramon Rico, a Spanish investor who came to Romania with great thoughts.
Initially, I had to go to his office to solve some problems with the company’s computers and to discuss some future projects. After about an hour of discussions about IT, photography, Romania, Spain and everyone’s philosophy of life, I asked my cousin, Elvira, to tell him to “read” me as he did with her, a few months ago. At that moment, Ramon asked me to sign a piece of paper. After I put my signature there, Ramon makes some sketches and tells me that I am an intelligent man, who has not yet found his way, but tends towards a positive evolution. I said OK, anyone can tell me this, it’s just some words.
The shocking part is just coming. He asked me to look into his eyes for a few tens of seconds. Then I felt that a special energy connection was being created between two of us. I seemed that I can see in his eyes dynamic images, unfortunately which I did not understand very well. Besides, I felt like I was surrounded by a warm air that seemed to caress me.
After this short session, Ramon read to me most of my life: He told me that I was an old spirit, that I had many previous lives. He told me that the two of us had met several times in previous lives, that in my life I ββwent through many difficult moments and I went through with brio and, especially, I managed to learn from mistakes. He told me that I have a penchant for art and I am fascinated by beautiful things and good taste. He also told me that I don’t like to get involved, that I often don’t talk to certain people just because I’m afraid of their reactions and possible attacks on me. He told me that I was too sensitive for the harsh world we live in. He also told me that that I am like an angel who came to earth with an enormous desire for knowledge. He told me that I have a lot of plans for the future, that I am ambitious, that I like to fight for my ideas and thoughts and that little by little, everything will be achieved. He also told me that I will have several stages in my life and it is good to live each one to the fullest and to taste it as a pleasant experience. He also told me that I have a lot to give but it is difficult for a person to reach my soul and receive what I can offer. He told me that I was once a shaman and the qualities of a shaman are still hidden in me, which, through work, I can discover and use.
After he told me all this, I was speechless. I didn’t know what to say, what to believe. Many of his words fit so well with my personality and makes me to approve almost everything he said. The next step: the cards. In a few seconds I see a series of cards on the desk. Ramon asks me to think of something very important to me. I am thinking of one of my projects, maybe even my dream: the hostel in Brasov. After that he asked me to run my hand over the cards and when I feel a warmth I should choose that card. This is surprisingly for me, I even felt a strong warmth next to a card. I turn it over and guess what’s written on the other side: “It’s time to take action. You have to take the first step and there will definitely be a good end.” I say ok, let’s try again, and think about my future sentimental life. I return another card and read: “You have to take advantage of every stage of your life and at some point, when you gain enough experience and learn enough you will be happy with the person next to you forever.” I was like WOW. Each card fit like a glove with my thoughts. In the next second I turned over all the cards and no, not all of them said the same thing in a different way, each had its own message.
Act 3: Senor Ramon gets up from his chair, asks me to stand up and starts running his hands around my body. Then I could feel a warmth inside me, a very spooky feeling. After a few seconds he discovers a sensitive point, he says. It presses me harder and harder until it almost takes my breath away. The reason is that I have an extra amount of energy that needs to be eliminated, it needs to be given away. He told me that I should learn to give more to those around me. Which is true: I’m a very selfish guy. OK, let’s move on: after a few tens of seconds of exploring the internal organs without even touching me, he discovers something on his right lung. I already knew what was about. It took doctors months to find a bad spot on my lungs, while Ramon discovered it in a matter of tens of seconds. He told me what it was about and promised me that it could disappear through constant therapy.
The shocking part of the meeting is over. A more relaxing lunch followed at a good restaurant and after 6 hours of living to the fullest I headed home thinking.
Message to my acquaintance: Doesn’t it seem a little strange for a stranger to know me so well? What do you say, was he right or wrong in everything he told me about me?
pai…sa vedem…are dreptate cu totu π EGOISTULEEE π huaaa π just kidding π pai…nu stiu cat de straniu e … dar eu probabil ca as fi fugit in locu tau π e foarte freaky … si totusi poate ar trebui sa tii cont de sfaturile lui π
Senor Ramon te-a citit perfect. Mai putin intr-o privinta. Cu “esti o persoana prea sensibila pt lumea dura in care traim”, nu sunt deloc de acord. Eu te vad ca un om foarte puternic. Asa si esti. Daca tu esti prea sensibil…altii cum ii poti numi? Deci aici, nu, nu sunt de acord. Ok esti un artist, esti sensibil, dar nu sa dai pe’afara. Egoist esti, si cred asta in primul rand pt ca esti singurul copil la parinti, si nu prea ai avut cu cine imparti de toate, toata viata. Vb din experienta ;). Cat despre intalnirea asta a ta…este pe cat de interesanta pe atat de inspaimantatoare. As vrea sa ma sperie si pe mine cineva astfel, dar nu stiu daca m-as duce de bunavoie :p Sfaturile de la Ramon sunt mai mult decat binevenite, pt oricine chiar. Caci fiecare etapa a vietii si fiecare clipa trebuie traita cu fiecare celula din corpul tau! Ma intriga din ce in ce mai mult posturile tale! Si felul in care scrii s-a schimbat, in mai bine, desigur. Tine-o tot asa! :*
hola!como te sientes aora??despues de…..waw…as vrea si eu o astfel de intalnire,sincer,sa-mi spuna si mie cate ceva,acum chiar am nevoie de asa ceva,tinand cont ca in momentul asta nu mai stiu incotro sa-o “apuc”,mi-ar prinde bine cateva sfaturi..Ei ce zici????Tu ai luat ceva masuri,in ceea ce te priveste???nu ma cunosti,nici eu pe tine(poate doar dintr-o fotografie..),vb cu mama sa mergem si noi???ce zici??? Ai grija de tine
Gina: este foarte posibil ca Ramon sa ne faca o vizita saptamana asta, depinde si de timpul si disponibilitatea dumnealui. O sa te anunte mama. Inca nu am avut timp sa aplic sfaturile lui, intalnirea a avut loc azi. Ms de cmt.
da…pai e adevarata faza cu neimplicatul…(nu te implici niciodata de ochii lumii, ci doar atunci cand simti ceva, o sclipire, si atunci cu greu. de fapt tu stii sa iubesti dar nu o arati la toti …unii te cunosc mai bine ), si mai e adevarat si faptul ca-ti place frumosul si bunul gust …restul…sunt generale si poate tu le intelegi mai bine ca te cunosti cel mai bine sau cel putin ar trebui ; cam atat de comm din punctul meu de vedere π
ketamynx, m-am gandit si eu ca multe chestii le poate stii de la vara-mea, numai ca..vezi tu, eu am reluat relatia cu verisoara-mea de vreo 2-3ani. Pana atunci nu prea am vorbit cu ea din motive care imi scapa acum. Asa ca nu a avut timp sa ma cunoasca prea bine. De chestia cu pata pe plaman nici eu nu stiam pana acum vreo 2luni, iar Elvira chiar nu avea de unde sa stie. Intr-adevar sunt anumite lucruri care putea sa le afle sau sa le intuiasca despre mine, dar faptul ca spusele lui s-au .. verificat la faza cu cartile m-a pus pe ganduri.
“Tot ce doctorilor le-au luat zeci de zile si teste… senor Ramon a aflat in cateva minute de la vara-mea.”
Eu unul nu o sa cred asa ceva, feeling-ul de bio, caldura aia, poate sa ti-o induca oricine, daca-l crezi vrajitor sau sorccerer si se plimba cu mainile pe langa tine. It’s all psychological.
Cred ca a fost o maniera eleganta de a-ti castiga simpatia, adevarul e ca spaniolii sunt foarte parsivi, iar in spatele bunului simt nu poti sti ce se ascunde, pentru ca se ascunde mult prea bine.
Bine, nu zic neaparat ca n-ai dreptate sau ceva, dar in locul tau… as fi mai paranoic…
Vere draga, reactiile celor care ti-au lasat comenturi erau de asteptat. Citez din “marii clasici”: intotdeauna, un om special va fi perceput ca nebun ori ciudat de oamenii “limitati” (nu ca as vrea sa jignesc pe cineva acum, pt ca nu e un defect sa fii limitat, e doar o optiune – a celor care prefera lumea rece a perceptiilor concrete si a lumii obiective). Cat despre Ramon, ai vazut si tu ca omul nu-ti baga nimic pe gat, vrei sa castigi o discutie la un nivel deosebit, stai la masa cu el; nu vrei, te ridici si pleci ori ii spui sa te lase in pace cu de-astea si nu se supara absolut deloc. e mai mult decat constient ca nu oricine are capacitatea de a intelege ori de a percepe tot ceea ce se intampla dincolo de noi sau….cine zice ca e dincolo si nu e mai aproape de noi decat ne imaginam??!!
In fine, noi, cei care il cunoastem trebuie sa ne bucuram ca am avut norocul sa avem in preajma noastra astfel de oameni, care ne ajuta sa ne inaltam spiritual. Cei care nu vor sa accepte astfel de lucruri au toata libertatea din lume sa creada ce vor; sa traiasca in lumea in care vor, nici mai buna, nici mai rea decat a noastra…doar mai ingusta, mai limitata de preconceptii si negari repetate ale semnelor ce ni se trimit la orice pas din alte campuri energetice, lumi, sau cum ai chef sa le zici.
Te las cu un dulce gust de liniste si de fericire generoasa! Lumea e frumos de “citit” si trebuie citita, in toate dimensiunile ei!!!
Nu as fi lasat acest mesaj daca nu as fi una dintre personanele care au avut norocul sa il cunoasca pe Ramon, mai mult, sa lucreze alaturi de el si sa aiba parte de sfaturile sale. Este normal ca parerile sa fie impartite pentru ca in zilele noastre suntem liberi sa gandim ce dorim si sa ne alegem valorile in functie de interesele fiecaruia. Eu nu scriu pentru a convinge pe nimeni de nimik, vreau doar sa aprob tot ceea ce a afirmat Adi pentru ca am fost de fata la discutia dintre ei si pentru ca am trait aceeasi experienta. Nu o sa divulg nimic din ceea ce am discutat cu Ramon sau din vorbele pe care mi le-a spus atunci, la prima discutie dintre noi, pentru ca este un subiect mult prea delicat pe care doresc sa il tin numai pentru sufletul meu. Pot doar sa afirm cu tarie ca nu as fi crezut niciodata ca la prima discutie “face to face” avuta cu un om despre care nu stiam foarte multe sa fiu atat de marcata de exactitatea spuselor sale. Inca mai simt si acum privirea aceea fixa care m-a analizat si care mi-a povestit despre lucrurile care mi-au marcat copilaria si mai tarziu adolescenta. Totodata, mi-a spus ca trebuie sa fac o schimbare majora in viata mea, schimbare la care ma gandesc tot mai mult in ultima vreme…
Inchei monologul sentimental π urandu-va sa cunoasteti in viata numai oameni speciali – precum Ramon – sa traiti la maxim, sa va infruntati temerile si sa ganditi pozitiv.