Globe World Map Travel Explore Destination Concept

Around the world in 365 days

In the past 2 years, travel has become a lifestyle for me, a drug, an incurable disease, a purpose, a justification for daily work.

I started reading, researching and planning trips after trips, after trips. Now is the time for the big challenge: Around the World. 365 days, 5 continents, 20 countries, a RoundTheWorld Pass, a camera, a laptop and, as usual, a lot of passion. Deadline: 2035. For a few days now I have been working on the timeline and finding out about the places I will be visiting. From the summary: Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, USA, Australia, Japan, China, Thailand, India and much more …

Probably you wonder how that’s possible. The journey is not necessarily tiring, complicated or expensive. There are hostels, there are low-cost flights and trains, there is hospitality from others, people who likes to share with you a place to rest, a loaf of bread or a back seat on their car. This is also the most beautiful part: to interact with the locals, to listen to their discussions or to have a drink with them about their life, their passions, their dreams.

In the end, all you need is the desire to go on the road, to discover wonderful places and people, a continuous desire that sends you to the unknown.

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