If you get down the harbour, you gonna see The Little Mermaid. A nice little statue by the sea.
But Copenhagen is not only about a statue. It is also about kind people, nice architecture and hippie neighbourhoods.
I have enjoyed walking down the city center, exploring Christiania and listening to people’s stories in the middle of the night.
See you later, little mermaid.
Foarte fain ce ai expus.
Vrem poze din metrou (din fata), Stoget, Christiania, Kastellet, etc 🙂
A si de la Illum si muzeul de langa 😛
Si poze cu biciclete 😀
Sunt frant !! Abia am reusit sa ies azi cateva ore. Asta este din Christiania: http://www.flickr.com/photos/9539882@N05/3666069718/. Vroiam sa ma relaxez la un film..dar nu era nimic interesant pe la cinemaurile astora. Mi-am luat niste bere si incerc sa o beau dar parca nici de-asta nu am chef. Cred ca ma paste o raceala or smth..sper sa imi revin ca mai am 20de zile din trip.