At the age of 24, after you have finished a college and you are somehow ready to get to work, you wonder what path to follow? Will you want to be hired by a large corporation or will you start your own business?
The strongest argument of being an employee is the fixed salary, but you have to work for that. You must be at work for at least 8 hours every day. You have to be efficient, consolidate your place and climb the hierarchical ladder of the company. You are allowed to make mistakes, at least at the beginning, but if you keep making mistakes you will instantly fly out of the company.
As an employee, your free time is limited to a few hours a day, during which you are usually very tired. You are always busy at work and you can’t take a few days off to attend an event that is very important to you, or simply relax for a week or two.
Once you get hired, you risk turning your corporation into mom, dad, boyfriend, girlfriend, friends. Knowing nothing else in your city than your commuting route from home to work, 2 clubs and a few restaurants will be normal for you. Your travels will be limited to 1 team building per year and 1 week in Greece or Spain.
Entrepreneur ?
Entrepreneurship means first and foremost risk. If you are a person with ideals, vision, if you have dreams and enthusiasm then you can try this path. Entrepreneurship, however, does not necessarily mean a lot of money, which shows up overnight. In fact, in most cases it means more work than an employee and less money than the average salary in the economy. That’s because, as an entrepreneur, you have a goal, a dream, and to get there you are willing to do anything. To waste your nights, to invest all your money and to work hard until you succeed.
Entrepreneurship means, at least in the early stages, instability. Psychical, financial, moral. As an entrepreneur, you also have to sacrifice. In order to set up a business, you have to dedicate yourself 100% to it, to raise it as your own child. A little carelessness, a minor mistake is enough for everything you have built to collapse.
As an entrepreneur you need to know how to lead, make a team, coordinate it and learn to delegate your tasks to the team.
But entrepreneurship also means freedom. You are free to schedule your time, you can always give yourself a day or a week off. You are free to do whatever you like, you have time for your own hobbies, and most of the time your passions are identified with the business you run.
The decision often depends on your personality. If you consider yourself a winner, you will definitely choose entrepreneurship. If you want stability, a good job in a big company suits you like a glove.
As vrea sa te contrazic putin: daca esti antreprenor nu ai timp deloc, nu iti poti programa aproape niciodata o saptamana libera. Este un adevarat miraj cum ca tu esti seful si tu controlezi totul. Nu este asa, cel putin la inceput nu vei putea in primii 2 ani sa iti permiti atata liber. Dupa ce trec cei doi ani sau, ma rog, o perioada anume, vei avea o oarecare siguranta financiara si firma va merge bine fii sigur ca o sa vrei mai mult si atunci sa vezi cum renunti la timpul tau liber. Parerea mea este ca nimeni nu este liber in adevaratul sens al cuvantului, sunt poate cativa oameni pe planeta asta care au atatia bani si au ajuns la un anumit nivel la care nu-si mai fac griji, nu mai vor mai mult si au timp sa-i cheltuiasca, astia sunt cu adevarat liberi. Restul nu suntem liberi deloc: ori suntem angajati si facem cine stie ce credit si suntem fortati sa lucram pentru creditul respectiv fie suntem patroni si ne dorim mai mult si muncim 25h/ zi pentru afacerea proprie. Oricum ar fi mi se pare ca suntem incatusati de sistem, de banii care dicteaza cu adevarat, parca este o alta forma de feudalism.
Cum bine se poate observa totul se reduce la alegerea noastra: vrei siguranta si stabilitate te angajezi, vrei mai mult, vrei sa lupti zi de zi cu un sistem prost dar care inca iti permite sa faci multe “manevre”, iti permite sa il pacalesti doar daca esti un adevarat cunoscator si ai multe relatii atunci cu siguranta vei incerca pana vei reusi sa fii un invingator. Totul este sa incerci !
ya mai lasati Domnia Voastra vrajeala si puneti umaru’ la treaba. De-astea cu “e mai bine sa fii independent k sa ai timp de plimbari si mirosit florile prin parc” mai stim si noi, da’ pana la urma mai trebuie sa si munceasca CINEVA. Acu’, doar n-o sa fi tu acela, ar fi pacat. Mai stai cu mama linistit si mai perfectioneaza-te vreo 20 de ani, ca o sa ajungi un ilustru tinerel de 50 de ani, cu vise marete, un un deget in gura si cu celalalt in…respect!!
Somn usor ! Commentul meu nu a fost decat un vis urat, asa ca intorce-te pe partea cealalta si …dormi!
@catalin Intradevar ai si tu dreptate dar nu cred ca e bine sa fii atat de radical
@elvira postul nu este personal. Este o situatie generala intalnita destul de des printe noi, astia mai tineri.
Vroiam sa comentez de ceva timp la articolul acesta.
Majoritatea lucrurilor despre care vorbesti sunt perfect adevarate insa nu pot sa nu-i dau dreptate lui Catalin. Eu de ceva timp n-am mai avut 1 zi libera. Insa imi place la nebunie.
Da, sunt momente in care simt ca cedez insa imi revin repede. Sigur exista incertitudini, indoieli, momente mai delicate insa din punctul meu de vedere e foarte usor sa-ti dai seama daca iti doresti sa fi sau nu atreprenor. Cred ca e o chestie care mai degraba o simti decat sa o judeci.
Si mai e un cuvant care e in legatura directa cu antreprenoriatul – PASIUNEA. Daca pasiune nu e, atunci nici antreprenoriat nu e. E simplu.
Mult succes va doresc, oricare ar fi alegerile voastre.