In this Eurotrip I saw a lot of great places, I traveled by plane over 5000 km, by train 364 hours, I walked 820 km, I laughed, I cried, I fell in love, I got lost, I felt strong, but there were times when I felt lost, I drank, I smoked, I made many friends, I lost a few trains, I took 4859 pictures, I ran out of slippers, I got tanned,I lost wight, I saw the ocean, I saw cactuses in their natural environment, I ate oranges straight from the tree, I saw a bullfight, I slept in train stations and on the streets, I gathered 30 magnets, I bought a shisha, I saw dolphins, I traveled by TGV, I went through 20 countries, I saw 30 cities, I witnessed a fight, I stepped on Asian soil, I froze from the cold some nights,I witnessed a cigarettes smuggling, I had 45 minutes ferry journey, I learned a lot of stuff, I saw Paris 4 times, I went on 6 roller coasters, I went through the English Channel, I discovered the coolest movie theater, I went 3 days and 3 nights by train nonstop, I had time to make plans for the future, I have changed.
Daca ne spui si suma de bani cheltuita, ne faci fericiti. Poate se gasesc cativa care spera ca vor face ce ai facut si tu…
cu 1500-1800EUR / luna te descurci. Asta inseamna transport, cazare si mancare. Restul sunt extra-uri. Sau … mofturi mai pe romaneste.
Felicitari! s-a ridicat parul pe mana cand am citit articoul asta. Imi doresc si eu un eurotrip… unul adevarat. asa ca al tau. FELICITARI pentru curaj
@Simona Ms fain! O sa faci si tu un eurotrip! Trebuie doar sa iti doresti. Restul vine de la sine 😉