Last night I went through about 6 consecutive green traffic lights. I was so “caught” by this thing that I forgot to turn left at some point and ended up at the edge of the city.
I think … that’s the way it is in life, right? You catch a “corridor” that you think is perfect for you, you are so excited that everything is going well and suddenly you realise that you have not gotten where you should. You realise that your goal was completely different, but you followed unknown paths and you arrived in a completely different place than the one you wanted.
How do you find the perfect path for you? How careful do you have on every step to finally get to the top of the pyramid?
ca bine zici! n-ai de unde sa stii cand sa te opresti,…din pacate! ar trebui sa stai mereu “in garda” sa prinzi momentu’, da’…daca ai face asta ai pierde toata distractia, entuziasmul si avantul… ideea salvatoare ar fi sa ai pe cineva langa tine care priveste din afara totul…dar …nu se intampla asa tot timpul. oricum, misto post! (m-ai prins intr-un moment in care fix acelasi lucru mi se intampla, d’asta sunt asa…receptiva, si in asentimentul vorbelor tale) pupici!