Okay, I arrived at the hostel in Turin. When I want to check in, I find out that no one is at the reception until 3:00 PM. Okay… I say. Fine. Until then, I can waste my time on the internet. I’m asking someone over there for Wi-Fi. He tells me that I have to pay 1 EUR/h. What? I’ve stayed at dozens of hostels so far and never had to pay for wi-fi. Anyway …I pay for the internet. Later, when I enter the room, somewhere in the corner, I see something shady. I look more closely, there was a bearded guy, about 30 or so years old, wearing very large boots and a black leather jacket. He sat with his forehead in his hands and sighed. I put my backpack in the security locker and leave.
In the evening, when I returned, the room was full of people, wandering around the room. I take a quick shower, go to bed and watch a movie. After 1 hour or so, my roommates continued to roam the room, from the hallway through the closets, to the room, to the hallway, and to the room. It was already 12:00. 20 minutes later things starts to calm down. I turn off the light and close the door. After 5 minutes, someone shows up and turns the light on, opens the door, puts a chair in it, leaves it like that and never comes back. I get up, turn off the lights, close the door. 5 minutes later, someone else shows up, does not turn on the light, but opens the door and leaves it open. I get up, close the door. 20 minutes later, someone opens the door again and leaves it like that. I close it again. I manage to fall asleep around 2:00 AM.
I hear noises around 8:00 AM. Door locks, zippers, arched backpacks, etc., etc. I open my eyes and in front of me stood proudly an old man dressed only in a white robe, opened in front. I still can’t get rid of that image out of my head. I think it will take a while.
I got out of bed quickly, skipped breakfast and rushed to the train station.
Hmmm….e usor amuzant ce povestesti tu acum. Totusi, incerc sa nu rad, si sa imi dau seama ce ai simtit tu!!Offfff….
Hostelul se numea cumva Hotel California? 😀
Trebuia sa faci si tu o poza, ceva 😛
@zvoner Nop. Hoselul se numea Ostello Torino http://www.hostelworld.com/hosteldetails.php/Ostello-Torino/Turin/20947
@Marius-DPM pff..deja am trecut peste. Sunt in Milano si imi programez traseul
Intrebarea care imi vine e DECE? Ce cautai acolo? Si ce e ala hostel? O incapare in care doarme toata lumea la gramada? N-am inteles :))
@TheNutz http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hostel . Ptr ca e f ieftin si ptr k e fun, numai k atunci mi-am luat tzeapa. Asta e, se mai intampla..
Hai tata ca asta e subtzire!Am stat 3 ani in camin A2 in Agronomie, am vazut chestii mult mai grave!
@CK Tell us!
Erau diminetzi cand mergeam ca tot omu’ sa ma spal pe fatza shi din 12 chiuvete (6 pe o parte shi 6 pe cealalta) nu era nici una nu neaparat curata, dar macar care sa nu fi fost infundata!Numai resturi alimentare iar apa care se aduna pana sus in unele era shi neagra uneori!Asta era cum intrai in fatza, era sala de chiuvete!In dreapta era o alta sala cu toiletts;cum ar veni ca aici era maxim, adica “operele” de rezistentza: vedeai urme de degete cu c…t pe peretzi, sau hartie igienica cu c…t lipita pe peretzi shi data apoi foc, ca sa nu mai zic de ciolane de porc de juma’de metru aruncate in toiletts!Au fost momente cand erau toate infundate shi era “apa” la glezna in sala de toillets!De la intrare in stanga era sala de dushuri;sa nu mai zic, in al II-lea an nu am avut cabine de dush (era 4 sau 5 pe o parte shi pe cealalta parte la fel – pe jumatatea salii era un perete despartzitor) shi se spala toata lumea la gramada, indiferent de sex!Asta in mare la capitolul grup sanitar…ar fi mult mai mult la capitolul camere & studentzi, dar in mare tzi-ai facut o idee!Iar langa acest camin era un restaurant, unde in fiecare joi seara urla Adrian avortonu’de cal shi tziganii invarteau volane de S Klasse!Hai ca deja mi-am amintit prea mult!Momentan sunt la o tzigare shmenuita un JD, un Redbull ceva mishto, ma relaxez inainte de Fabric, caci am o problema sentimentala!In seara asta pune M.A.N.D.Y. shi ma duc sa ma descarc cu vre-o 8 ore de dans shi fara retzinere financiara!
pai la 3eur jumate ce vroiai sa vezi, prietene, dansatoare? :))
@ijof9 3euro jumate? ca sa ce? sa te lase sa stai in lobby? sau ce?