… stupidity, indifference, people listening to music on the phone in the subway, bus, tram, on the street, idiots honking with no reason, the mess in Bucharest, the beggars who block the subway exits, the traffic in Bucharest, the endless roadworks, people who don’t shower for weeks, the garbage bins in Bucharest that are always full, to wake up in the morning, scams … and the hate-list continues …
Asta e post-ul cel mai interesant din cate ai pana acum… Ai putea sa adaugi oamenii care nu stiu astepte si sunt mai “egali” decat altii, ipocrizia de care dau dovada unii, ingramadeala din mijloacele de transport, mentalitatea de turma de care dam dovada inghitind tot ce se prezinta la TV sau in media in general..