In a lifetime you walk around the world 3 times, you eat 30 tons of food, you drink 9000 cups of coffee, you go to work for 10 years, you sleep for 20 years, you stay in the bathroom for 3 years, you are stuck in traffic for 7 months, 12 years you spend in front of the TV, of which 19 days looking for the remote control, only 1/5 of your life you really live it. Live your life!
O celula umana contine 75 MB informatie genetica, deci un spermatozoid contine 37,5 MB. Intr-un mililitru cub de sperma sunt 100 milioane de spermatozoizi. In medie, la o singura ejaculare se elibereaza 2,25 ml in 5 secunde. Deci – logic – latimea de banda a p_lii este: (37.5MB x 100M x 2,25)/5 = 1 687 500 000 000 000 = 1687,5 TeraBytes/s. Este cel mai ineficient mod de a folosi un mediu de comunicatie. Faci broadcast cu 1687,5 TB/s cu acelasi set de informatie (redundanta uriasa!) cu speranta ca poate 37,5 MB din ei vor ajunge la destinatie. In plus, are si o latenta uriasa, primesti ACK-ul (acknowledgement-ul) cam in 2 luni, si raspunsul la cererea ta se compune in 9 luni. Si de cele mai multe ori e doar spam! Asa se explica de ce zice lumea ca: “Imi merge netul ca p**a!”