Today was the last day visiting the pride of Catalonia: Barcelona. Tomorrow I’m leaving for Valencia with a short stop in Tarragona (10x Viorel for the tip). What can I say … the city is very nice. It climbed to 2nd place in the personal top of European capitals. London, however, is difficult to replace.
What I noticed in these 5 days: there is a lot of madness on the Rambla! Here you can find from people with their hair painted in different colours, wearing piercings, prostitutes, tourists of all possible nations, old guys who make their way through the crowd, iguanas, frogs, flowers, people who draw you graffiti on the spot, drug dealers, etc.
Park Guell is unique. Gaudi is one of a kind. I really liked his style. It can be seen everywhere in the city. You can feel his presence in the famous Pedrera and Batllo houses, Sagrada Familia, you can find him in various strange places that rise out of nowhere, in junctions, ports or simply on random streets.
The Sagrada Familia must be visited in 10-15 years or when it is ready. The MNAC is one of the most beautiful museums in Europe, both inside and out. Spaniards are very big consumers of movies, music and books.
I regret that: I did not manage to catch the fountain in front of the MNAC in the evening; I didn’t have enough time to taste the crowds and diversity of the cultures on the Rambla. But I’m only 23.
In Barcelona am fost si eu acum 7-8 ani, cu părinţii, când abia îmi luasem buletinul. Ţin minte că am fost prin Parc Guell şi am văzut Sagrada Familia, deşi totul e cam în ceaţă.
Ar fi frumos dacă aÅŸ reuÅŸi să-mi reîmprospătez cândva amintirile, nu? 🙂
Haha, comisia aia e o arnuatuda jalnica de incompetenti pe langa care Mitica&Nasul par a fi exemple de management profesionist. Baroneasa&co. n-au facut altceva decat sa ramana cu un elefant alb, dar cu pista atletica. Levy se foloseste de prostia lor doar ptr. a mai stoarce niste bani publici, West Ham ma indoiesc ca se vor mai muta in conditiile in care pot doar cu chirie, eu cel mai tare m-as bucura ca in idiotenia lor sa le dea stadionul la Leyton:-) De ce sa supraveghezi niste useless-i care nu pot mesteca guma si merge in acelasi timp? chiar as fi dezamagit daca ar fi adevarat, ar fi bani cheltuiti aiurea