Lately I had to transit more often than I wanted the famous northern area of Bucharest: Baneasa. And crossing it long and wide, I sat and thought why it is so desired and expensive. Baneasa, for me, is just an unfortunate mixture of luxury and dirt. Only in our country, Romania, you can see 4-5 star hotels surrounded by piles of garbage and mud.
As for Baneasa Business Park, it’s horrible. It all comes down to 3 buildings thrown in the mud. And as uglyness is fashionable in our country, the Baneasa Investments team has already put into operation most of the rented spaces, even if the area is still under construction. Thus, the owners of offices with rents of thousands of euros per month and their employees are forced to walk 10m through the mud to reach one of the entrances. Nice, isn’t it? You also go to work dressed in a suit, clean shoes and you make them cabbage right before you enter the building where you work.
The mix of buildings is also very interesting. By the modest houses of the locals, with puppies, piglets, chickens, you see glass buildings, luxury hotels, and coffee shops. When you go to Otopeni, you look to the right: offices, hotels, you look to the left: just empty fields. As for people, it is very interesting to see a guy dressed in a suit, elegant, clean, and 2 meters from him an old lady who also goes to the market, or a regular worker who is just leaving the factory. Jeeps and Range-Rovers “get along” very well with Dacia in traffic, on the tiny and always crowded streets. As for the rest of the city, it is a slightly happier clone of the Baneasa area.
We live in Romania, and that keeps us busy all the time.
True si nici nu se va schimba prea curand pentru ca totul tine de societate, iar romanii sunt necivilizati, au inteles total gresit civilizatia, democratia; ei au adoptat prostia.
Exemplul cel mai elocvent este Italia, unde oameni cu sute de mii de euro umbla cu cate un fiat panda, nu ca la noi, unu fara casa si nevasta (vorba vine dar asa si este un majoritatea cazurilor), umbla cu o masina de 40-50 mii de euro, nu de alta, dar tocmai a dat si el un tun…si cu hasta vasta…
Keep up the good work and leave Romania behind, far, far away.
Fiecare se descurca cum poate bk, vezi tu si invidia si ura asta e la fel de necivilizata ca tot ce relateaza Adi, referitor la mocirlele rezidentiale. Felicitari acelei persoane care a avut capacitatea de a cumpara un M5 sau un Corvette, deci asta e tara in care traim si trebuie sa ne adaptam in propriul stil, ferice de cei care pot sa se adapteze…!
Prietene, nu este nici un fel de ura, ci pura scarba care nu vine spre a completa sau duce spre necivilizatie; din contra, scarba intervine atunci cand se instaleaza civilizatia iar cand tu vorbesti despre ura si spui felicitari unor persoane al carui IQ is kinda low dar care au avut norocul de un anturaj perfect la momentul potrivit, nu ca ma lasa rece ci ma intriga in felul tau de a gandii pe care il generalizez astfel: gandirea romanului vis-a-vis de cei “puternici”
Get out of here!
AH, si inca ceva domnule Iulian, o parte a invidiei (daca o pot cataloga astfel) este si ea pozitiva atunci cand confera ambitie, insa sistemul competitional in Romania e in cadere libea. Nu stiu daca intelegi ce spun referitor la invidia asta, in orice caz nu este invidia despre care vorbeai tu in acel reply.
Spre exemplu, daca vad la cineva cu cap, educatie si principii, o masina de bun gust si o afacere pozitiva, incerc sa inteleg ce trebuie facut pentru a ajunge sau depasii acel nivel (daca este cazul), ambitie sau admiratie dragul meu, nu invidie ! 🙂
Insa asta nu au romanii, ei prefera barfa.
M5 sau Corvette, este alegerea fiecaruia pentru o masina sau alta, insa in Romania rar poti vorbii despre o pasiune, mai degraba despre lauda si…cam atat. Poate n-am sa dau exemplul cel mai elocvent (referitor la tara), insa in Italia, oameni importanti, afaceri mari, case aranjate umbla cu cate un Panda, vezi?! asta-i diferenta, acei oameni (majoritatea) pun utilitatea inaintea laudei.
P.S. (Corvette, Lamborghini, Porsche…in Romania? pacat de ele la ce “strazi”…)