Yes I know. You can tell that you can see dolphins at the dolphinarium. You don’t have to go 3900 km. away from Romania. But you can’t compare a dolphinarium to an ocean. There are two totally different things.
You get on a speedboat and start looking for dolphins. The farther you go from the shore and the minutes go by, the stronger the emotions. Will they appear? Will we find them? Or do we all come back disappointed?
When you see the first dolphin rise from the water, the feeling is indescribable. In the following second, the burst begins. I shot over 300 frames in less than 8 minutes. 2 hours I was looking for them. An then: 8 wonderful minutes. Another mega-experience checked. What will be next? We will see..
da,frumosi mai sunt,este clar ca nu poti compara sentimentele pe care le ai la un delfinariu cu cele de pe ocean
sunt sigur ca s-a meritat excursia suta la suta pana la ultimul banut:)
felicitari si distractie placuta in continuare!!!
si eu am avut norocul sa ii vad tot in zona algarve-ului, totul intamplator stand la o cafea pe plaja. a fost superb. am vazut primul si apoi au urmat sutele trecand incet prin fata mea. la sfarsit s-au adunat oamneii pe plaja alergand. m-am bucurat ca l-am vazut pe primul. a fost de neuitat 🙂 experienta de bifat, da!